Safety Through  Empathy and Reaction

Explore three common design principles when designing a bike helmet: iconicity, association, and alerting. And how these principles can help keep you safe while cycling alongside careless drivers.
Case study, 2023

How a Helmet Can Make Drivers More Aware of Cyclists on the Road

When it comes to cycling, one thing is certain: accidents are more likely to happen if drivers around you don't pay attention. In addition to protecting your head from injuries, helmets can also play a role in preventing accidents by directly communicating with drivers.The design and functionality of a helmet can have a significant impact on your safety while cycling. In this exploration, we'll look at three common design principles to consider when designing a bike helmet: iconicity, association, and alerting. And how these principles can help keep you safe while cycling alongside careless drivers.

How can three levels of empathy and reaction keep you safe on the road?

Full project with animations
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